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C. H. Booth Library Minutes
Regular Board of Trustees Meeting
November 13, 2012

Present:  John Benson, George Collins, Dan Cruson, Tom D’Agostino, Carolyn Faxon, John Godin, Colleen Honan, Mary Kelley, Bill McCarthy,  Jennifer Reilly, Moira Rodgers, Martha Robilotti,  Peter Stern , John Trentacosta, Janet Woycik, and Beryl Harrison

Absent: Mark Principi, Michelle Rosenthal,  Paul Sirois

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm by Martha Robilloti, President

Consideration of Minutes: John Trentacosta moved to accept the minutes of the October meeting.  Mary Kelley seconded, and the motion was unanimously accepted.
Public Participation: None

President’s Announcements: Mrs. Robilotti welcomed George Collins, the newly appointed Trustee to the Board.

Treasurer’s Report: Bill McCarthy, Treasurer, presented a packet of financial reports including:
  • Statement of Income and Expense
  • Funds Provided by the Friends Statement of Revenue and Disbursements
The Finance Committee met to discuss the annual audit performed by Don Studley.  The auditor's report states that the financial statements are in conformity with accepted accounting principles.

The Finance Committee also discussed Tax Form 990 for non-profit organizations and the trust performance over the past year.  

The budget draft for 2013-14 was presented to the board.  State grants, private grants, and fines/sales are decreasing.  The capital reserve is fully expended.  The Library will require town support to maintain services, book purchases,  building repairs, and technology updates.

Report of the Library Director: Janet Woycik's report, including computer usage numbers, was emailed to the board.

Mrs. Margaret Brown, Young Adult Librarian, is retiring.  Mrs. Woycik will be promoting Kim Weber, who is completing her MLS degree, to her position.  

Committee Reports:

Policies and Personnel:  Moira Rodgers reported that the personnel handbook is undergoing final formatting revisions.

Fund Raising: Carolyn Faxon reminded the Board that the Turkey Trot is coming soon.

John Godin updated information and details regarding race day.
Building, Grounds, and Interior: Tom D'Agostino updated the Board about the sprinkler system repairs, the energy audit of the building and the Johnson Controls 1-year contract renewal.

Long Range Planning: None

Friends of the Library Liaison: Pete Stern reported that book donations continue to be lower than hoped.

Art Liaison: No report

Historical Liaison: Dan Cruson reported that Mary Thomas and Andrea Zimmerman are continuing to work on the garment collection.  A display is forthcoming.

Nominating Committee: John Godin reported that the Nominating Committee needs a new member.

Mary Kelley moved to nominate Pete Stern to the nominating committee.  Tom D'Agostino seconded.  The motion passed.

The Nominating Committee will meet to elect a chair and to look at resumes to fill the vacant seat.

Old Business: The Board will recognize Bill Lavery's years of service to the Library at 8:00 pm at the  December 11 meeting.

Dan Cruson moved to name Bill Lavery "Trustee Emeritus".  Mary Kelley seconded.  Approval was unanimous.

New Business:  Meeting dates for 2013 will be posted with the Town Clerk and distributed via email to the Board.  There will be a meeting in February 2013, and the December meeting will be on the second Tuesday.  

Move to adjourn by John Trentacosta, seconded by Dan Cruson.  Approval was unanimous.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.

Respectfully submitted,  
Jennifer Reilly
CH Booth Library Board of Trustees